미드에 나오는 영어표현 익히기 'Behind the eight ball'
Behind the eight ball
위험[어려움]에 처하다. / 궁지에 몰리다.
Section 1: Definition
The expression 'behind the eight ball' means to be in a difficult or disadvantaged position, with few options or resources to improve the situation.
'behind the eight ball'이란 표현은 상황을 개선할 수 있는 선택지나 자원이 거의 없는, 어렵거나 불리한 위치에 있다는 뜻이다.
Section 2: Origin and Background
The origin of the expression is uncertain, but it may have originated from the game of pool. In pool, the eight ball is black and the object of the game is to pocket all the other balls before sinking the eight ball. If a player sinks the eight ball before they are supposed to, or if the eight ball ends up in a difficult position, they are said to be 'behind the eight ball' and in a disadvantageous position.
그 표현의 기원은 불확실하지만, 그것은 풀 게임에서 유래했을 수도 있다. 풀 게임은 게임의 목적구인 검은색 8번 공을 넣기 전에 다른 모든 공을 포켓에 넣어야 한다 (8번 공은 맨 마지막에 넣는다). 선수가 예정보다 먼저 8번 공을 넣거나 8번 공이 어려운 위치에 놓이면 'behind the eight ball'로 불리한 위치에 있다고 한다.
Section 3: Dialogue Examples
Jane: How's your job search going, Bob?
Bob: Not great, I've applied to a lot of places but haven't heard back from anyone.
Jane: That's tough, you're really behind the eight ball.
Mike: Did you finish your project yet, Sarah?
Sarah: No, I had a family emergency last week and lost a lot of time.
Mike: That's too bad, you're really behind the eight ball now.
Karen: I heard you got a speeding ticket yesterday, Tom.
Tom: Yeah, I can't afford to pay it right now, and if I don't, my license will get suspended.
Karen: You're definitely behind the eight ball on that one.
Bill: Did you hear that our company lost that big contract?
Ted: Yeah, now we're really behind the eight ball and may have to lay off some employees.
Maria: How's your team doing in the tournament, John?
John: Not great, we lost our last game and now we're behind the eight ball if we want to make it to the playoffs.
Samantha: Hey, did you finish the math project?
Jack: No, I'm behind the eight ball. I couldn't understand the last chapter.
David: How's your job going?
Rachel: Not great. My boss gave me a really tough deadline, and I'm behind the eight ball.
Olivia: Are you ready for the big game this weekend?
Max: I don't know, I sprained my ankle yesterday, so I'm really behind the eight ball.
Section 4: Alternative Expressions & Examples
- Up against a wall : This expression means that someone is facing a difficult or challenging situation with limited options or resources.
- Between a rock and a hard place : This expression means that someone is in a difficult situation where they have to choose between two equally unfavorable options.
- In a bind : This expression means that someone is in a difficult or challenging situation and needs help or a solution.
- In a tight spot : This expression means that someone is in a difficult or challenging situation and may have limited options or resources to solve it.
Jenny: I can't believe I have two exams on the same day.
Mark: That's tough, you're really up against a wall.
Sarah: What happened to Tom?
Mark: He got caught by the police and was up against a wall.
Alex: Hey, have you seen that new action movie?
Lily: No, not yet. What's it about?
Alex: It's about a detective who's always up against a wall, but manages to catch the bad guys.
Chris: I heard that Tim was up against a wall at work. Is he okay?
Jane: Yeah, he had a tough project to complete, but he managed to finish it on time. He's doing fine now.
Sally: My boss wants me to work overtime this weekend but I already have plans.
Tim: That's a tough situation, you're really between a rock and a hard place.
Samantha: I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. I don't know if I should go to the party or stay home and study.
Jason: Well, if you go to the party, you might regret it later. But if you stay home and study, you might miss out on some fun. It's a tough decision.
Samantha: Yeah, I feel like I'm between a rock and a hard place.
Michael: I have to choose between two job offers, and they're both pretty good. But one is closer to home and the other pays more. I'm really between a rock and a hard place.
Jessica: I know how you feel. It's a tough decision. Maybe you should make a list of pros and cons for each job and see which one comes out on top.
Michael: That's a good idea. Thanks.
Emma: I promised to help my friend move on Saturday, but that's the same day as my cousin's wedding. I'm really between a rock and a hard place.
Oliver: Yeah, that's a tough one. Maybe you could see if your friend could move on a different day, or if you could go to the wedding for a little bit and then go help your friend.
Emma: I didn't think of that. Thanks for the suggestion.
Dave: I promised to help my sister move this weekend but I have a work deadline.
Jess: That's tough, you're really in a bind.
Samantha: Hey, Jake, what's wrong?
Jake: I forgot my math book at home and I have a test today!
Samantha: Oh no, you're in a bind!
Jake: Yeah, I don't know what to do.
Tyler: Dad, can you lend me some money?
Dad: What do you need it for?
Tyler: I promised my friends I'd buy them lunch but I spent all my allowance.
Dad: Sorry, son, I'm in a bind too. I just paid some bills and I don't have much left.
Maria: Sarah, can you cover my shift tonight?
Sarah: I'm sorry, Maria, I can't. I'm already working a double shift today.
Maria: Oh no, I'm really in a bind. I promised my mom I'd take her to the doctor's appointment.
Sarah: Can you ask someone else to cover for you?
Maria: I already did, but nobody is available.
Laura: I forgot my wallet and the restaurant doesn't take credit cards.
Steve: That's a tough spot, you're really in a tight spot.
Jenny: Hey Tom, why do you look so stressed out?
Tom: I lost my wallet and I need to pay for gas. I'm in a tight spot.
Jenny: Don't worry, I can lend you some money.
Chris: What's up, Jack? Why do you look so worried?
Jack: I promised my mom I'd finish my homework, but I also promised my friend I'd help him move. I'm in a tight spot.
Chris: You should do your homework first. Your friend can wait.
Lisa: Hey Sara, what's wrong?
Sara: I accidentally double-booked myself for two different events on the same day. Now I'm in a tight spot.
Lisa: Can you try to reschedule one of them? Or maybe ask a friend to help you out?
Section 5: The Lesson
The expression 'behind the eight ball' reminds us that sometimes we may find ourselves in difficult or challenging situations, where we feel like we don't have any good options. When this happens, it's important to stay calm, think creatively, and seek help and support from others if necessary. We should also try to avoid getting into these situations in the first place by being proactive and planning ahead. By taking these steps, we can increase our chances of success and avoid feeling like we're always 'behind the eight ball'.
'behind the eight ball'이란 표현은 때때로 우리가 어떤 좋은 선택지가 없다고 느끼는 어려운 상황이나 도전적인 상황에 우리 자신을 발견할 수도 있다는 것을 상기시킨다. 이런 일이 일어날 때, 침착하고, 창의적으로 생각하고, 필요하다면 다른 사람들로부터 도움과 지지를 구하는 것이 중요하다. 우리는 또한 사전 예방적이고 미리 계획함으로써 애초에 이러한 상황에 빠지는 것을 피하려고 노력해야 한다. 이러한 단계를 밟음으로써, 우리는 성공의 가능성을 높일 수 있고 우리가 항상 'behind the eight ball' 느낌을 피할 수 있다.
미드에 나오는 영어표현 익히기 'Hit the nail on the head'
미드에 나오는 영어표현 익히기 'Hit the nail on the head'
Hit the nail on the head 정곡을 찌르다. 정확하게 맞추다[말하다]. 완전 그거네! Section 1: Definition "Hit the nail on the head" means to make an accurate or precise comment, action, or observation that is exactly right for the situation