미드에 나오는 영어표현 익히기 'Bite the bullet'
Bite the bullet
(하기는 싫지만 피할 수 없는 일을) 이를 악물고 하다.
Section 1: Definition
The phrase "bite the bullet" is an idiom that means to endure something difficult or unpleasant, especially a painful or difficult situation, with bravery and determination.
"bite the bullet"이란 말은 어렵거나 불쾌한 일, 특히 고통스럽거나 어려운 상황을 용기와 결단력으로 견뎌내자는 뜻의 관용구다.
Section 2: Origin and Background
The origin of the phrase "bite the bullet" can be traced back to the 19th century, when surgeons would often ask their patients to bite on a bullet during surgery to help them endure the pain. This was because anesthesia was not widely available or effective at that time. The phrase eventually came to be used metaphorically to refer to any situation in which a person had to endure pain or difficulty with bravery and resolve.
"bite the bullet"이란 말의 기원은 19세기로 거슬러 올라갈 수 있는데, 당시 외과의사들은 환자들이 고통을 견디는 것을 돕기 위해 종종 수술 중에 총알을 물어뜯도록 요청하곤 했다. 그 당시에는 마취가 널리 보급되거나 효과적이지 않았기 때문이다. 이 말은 결국 사람이 고통이나 어려움을 용감하게 견뎌내고 해결해야 하는 어떤 상황을 비유적으로 표현하게 되었다.
Section 3: Dialogue Examples
Samantha: I can't believe I have to present first in class tomorrow.
John: Just bite the bullet and get it over with.
Samantha: I know, but I'm so nervous!
John: It's okay, we all get nervous. Just take a deep breath and do your best.
Alex: I'm really dreading my dentist appointment tomorrow.
Maria: You just have to bite the bullet and go.
Alex: But I hate the dentist!
Maria: I know, but it's better to take care of your teeth now than regret it later.
David: I don't want to tell my boss that I messed up the project.
Sarah: You have to bite the bullet and own up to your mistakes.
David: But I'm afraid I'll get in trouble.
Sarah: It's better to be honest and try to fix it than to hide it and make things worse.
Sarah: Hey, Mike, did you finish your math homework?
Mike: No, I'm stuck on this one problem.
Sarah: Which one?
Mike: Number 5. I just can't figure it out.
Sarah: Hmm, let me see. Ah, I see what you're doing wrong. You need to factor the quadratic equation first.
Mike: Ugh, that sounds hard.
Sarah: Yeah, it's tough, but you just have to bite the bullet and do it.
Mike: Okay, thanks for the help.
Jack: I don't want to go to the dentist today.
Emily: Why not? You have that cavity that needs filling.
Jack: I hate the sound of the drill. It gives me the chills.
Emily: Yeah, it's not the most pleasant experience, but you just have to bite the bullet and get it done.
Jack: I guess you're right. I'll make the appointment.
John: Did you hear about the new job opening at the factory?
Mark: Yeah, I did, but I'm not sure if I want to apply.
John: Why not? It pays really well.
Mark: I know, but the hours are long and the work is hard.
John: Sometimes you have to bite the bullet and do what you have to do to make ends meet.
Mark: I suppose you're right. I'll think about it.
Section 4: Alternative Expressions & Examples
- grin and bear it - to endure a difficult or unpleasant situation with courage and determination
- tough it out - to persist through a difficult or unpleasant situation
- keep a stiff upper lip - to remain brave and determined in the face of adversity
Mark: Hey, what's wrong with your leg? Why are you limping?
Emily: I fell off my bike this morning and hurt my ankle.
Mark: Ouch, that sounds painful. Are you going to see a doctor?
Emily: No, it's not that bad. I'll just grin and bear it.
Jack: I can't believe I failed the math test again!
Sarah: Don't worry, you'll do better next time.
Jack: But my parents are going to be so mad at me.
Sarah: Just grin and bear it. It's not the end of the world.
Chris: I have to work overtime every day this week. I'm so exhausted.
Tom: That sounds tough. Why don't you ask your boss for a break?
Chris: I can't do that. I just have to grin and bear it until the end of the week.
Lisa: Hey, Alex! You look really tired. Did you sleep well last night?
Alex: No, I didn't. My neighbor's party went on until 3 AM.
Lisa: Oh, that's tough. Are you going to skip school today?
Alex: No way, I have an important exam. I'll just tough it out and drink some coffee.
Josh: Hey, Mike, did you hear about the new coach? He's making us run more laps than before.
Mike: Yeah, I heard. It's tough, but we have to tough it out if we want to win the championship.
Josh: I don't know if I can handle it.
Mike: Come on, man. Don't give up now. We'll get through this together.
Jenny: Hey, Amy, what happened to your arm? Did you fall?
Amy: Yeah, I did. I sprained my wrist.
Jenny: Ouch, that must hurt.
Amy: It does, but I'll tough it out. I have a volleyball game next week, and I can't afford to miss it.
Jenny: You're so brave. Let me know if you need any help with your homework.
Amy: Thanks, Jenny. You're the best.
Samantha: Hey, what's wrong?
John: I failed my math test again.
Samantha: Oh no, that's tough. But remember, you gotta keep a stiff upper lip and keep pushing forward.
John: Yeah, you're right. I'll try harder next time.
Mark: Did you hear about Sarah's breakup?
Lily: Yeah, I did. I feel so bad for her.
Mark: Me too. But she's a tough girl, she'll keep a stiff upper lip and get through it.
Lily: Yeah, she's strong. She'll bounce back.
Alex: I can't believe I didn't get the job.
Emily: I'm sorry, Alex. But you can't give up. You gotta keep a stiff upper lip and keep applying.
Alex: Yeah, you're right. I'll keep trying until I find something.
Section 5: The Lesson
The lesson that can be learned from the phrase "bite the bullet" is the importance of perseverance and determination in the face of adversity. Sometimes we are faced with situations that are uncomfortable, painful, or difficult to endure, but we must find the strength within ourselves to push through them. Whether it's giving a presentation in front of a large audience, dealing with a difficult colleague at work, or overcoming a personal challenge, the key is to stay focused, remain determined, and keep moving forward. By "biting the bullet" and facing our problems head-on, we can overcome even the most difficult obstacles and emerge stronger and more resilient than ever before.
"bite the bullet"이라는 말에서 배울 수 있는 교훈은 역경에 직면했을 때의 인내와 결단의 중요성이다. 때때로 우리는 불편하거나 고통스럽거나 견디기 어려운 상황에 직면하지만, 우리는 그것들을 밀고 나갈 힘을 우리 자신 안에서 찾아야 한다. 많은 청중 앞에서 발표를 하든, 직장에서 어려운 동료를 대하든, 개인적인 도전을 극복하든, 핵심은 집중력을 유지하고, 결단력을 유지하며, 계속 앞으로 나아가는 것이다. "bite the bullet" 하고 우리의 문제를 정면으로 마주함으로써, 우리는 가장 어려운 장애물도 극복하고 그 어느 때보다 강하고 탄력적으로 나타날 수 있다.
미드에 나오는 영어표현 익히기 'Under one's belt'
미드에 나오는 영어표현 익히기 'Under one's belt'
미드에 나오는 영어표현 익히기 'Under one's belt' Under one's belt 이미 경험한. Section 1: Definition The phrase "under one's belt" means to have completed or achieved something successfully. It is often used to describe experiences or acc