미드에 나오는 영어표현 익히기 'Fall off the wagon'
Fall off the wagon
절제를 잃다. / 다시 중독되다.
Section 1: Definition
"Fall off the wagon" is an expression that means to return to a bad habit or addiction after you have successfully stopped doing it for a while.
"Fall off the wagon"은 잠시 동안 그것을 성공적으로 그만둔 후에 나쁜 습관이나 중독으로 되돌아간다는 뜻의 표현이다.
Section 2: Origin and Background
The origin of this expression is not certain, but it's thought to have come from the early 20th century when people would travel by horse-drawn wagons. Alcoholics who were trying to quit drinking would often use a wagon as a symbol of their sobriety, and if they started drinking again, it was said that they had "fallen off the wagon."
이 표현의 기원은 확실하지 않지만, 사람들이 말이 끄는 마차를 타고 여행했던 20세기 초에 나온 것으로 생각된다. 술을 끊으려는 알코올 중독자들은 종종 마차를 음주의 상징으로 삼곤 했는데, 다시 술을 마시기 시작하면 "fallen off the wagon"이라 했다고 한다.
Section 3: Dialogue Examples
Rachel: I thought you quit smoking, how come you're smoking again?
John: Yeah, I did quit for a while, but I fell off the wagon last week.
Sarah: I heard you were doing really well with your diet, what happened?
Mike: I fell off the wagon and ate a whole pizza last night.
Tom: I thought you were trying to quit gambling?
Jerry: I was, but I fell off the wagon and went to the casino last weekend.
Mary: I thought you were sober, did you start drinking again?
Bob: Yeah, I fell off the wagon at the party last night.
Jane: I thought you were going to the gym every day, why did you miss yesterday?
Joe: I fell off the wagon and skipped the gym to watch TV instead.
Section 4: Alternative Expressions & Examples
- slip up : This expression means that someone makes a mistake or error.
- backslide : This expression means that someone has relapsed or returned to a previous negative behavior or condition.
- relapse : This expression means that a person has returned to a previous undesirable behavior or condition after a period of improvement or recovery.
Jack: Hey, did you hear about Lisa's slip up in class today?
Jenny: No, what happened?
Jack: She accidentally called the teacher 'mom'!
Emma: I can't believe I slipped up and told Mike about the surprise party!
Jessica: Oh no, what did he say?
Emma: He promised not to say anything, but I still feel bad.
David: Why did you slip up and tell everyone about my crush on Ashley?
Tom: I'm sorry, man. I didn't know it was a secret.
David: Well, it is. And now it's going to be so awkward when I see her tomorrow.
Jenny: How's your recovery going, Alex?
Alex: Not good. I've been feeling really down lately and I think I'm starting to backslide.
Jenny: Oh no, that's not good. Have you talked to your therapist about it?
Tom: Hey, did you hear that Sarah started drinking again?
Mike: No way, really? I thought she was doing so well.
Tom: Yeah, she had a really bad backslide. It's too bad, she was doing so good for a while.
Lila: I can't believe I ate a whole cake by myself. I'm so mad at myself!
Amy: Hey, don't beat yourself up too much. One backslide doesn't define you.
Lila: Thanks, Amy. You're right. I'll get back on track tomorrow.
Lila: How's your dad doing, Ethan?
Ethan: Not good. He had a relapse last night.
Lila: Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear that.
Jack: Did you hear about Rachel?
Mia: No, what happened?
Jack: She relapsed again and is back in rehab.
Mia: That's really sad. I hope she gets better soon.
Samantha: I can't believe I'm feeling like this again.
Isaac: What do you mean?
Samantha: I thought I was over my addiction, but I'm starting to have a relapse.
Isaac: Don't worry, we'll get you the help you need.
Section 5: The Lesson
The lesson you can learn from the expression "fall off the wagon" is that breaking a bad habit or addiction is a difficult process, and it's important to be aware of the potential for relapse. It's okay to make mistakes and slip up, but it's important to get back on track and continue working towards your goals. It's also important to have a support system in place, whether that's friends, family, or a professional, to help you stay on track and navigate any challenges you may face. Remember, the journey towards breaking a bad habit or addiction is a marathon, not a sprint.
"fall off the wagon" 표현에서 배울 수 있는 교훈은 나쁜 습관이나 중독을 고치는 것은 어려운 과정이며, 재발 가능성을 인식하는 것이 중요하다는 것이다. 실수를 하고 실수를 하는 것은 괜찮지만, 다시 제 궤도에 올라 목표를 향해 계속 노력하는 것이 중요하다. 또한 친구, 가족, 전문가 등의 지원 시스템을 구축하여 문제를 해결하고 해결할 수 있도록 지원하는 것도 중요하다. 나쁜 습관이나 중독을 고치는 여정은 단거리 경주가 아니라 마라톤이라는 것을 기억하라.
[영어] - 미드에 나오는 영어표현 익히기 'The best of both worlds'
미드에 나오는 영어표현 익히기 'The best of both worlds'
The best of both worlds 두 가지의 장점을 모두 취하다. Section 1: Definition "The best of both worlds" means having the benefits of two different things at the same time without having to give up one or the other. "The best of both worlds"는