미드에 나오는 영어표현 익히기 'Fall on deaf ears'
Fall on deaf ears
Section 1: Definition
Fall on deaf ears is an expression used to describe when a message or opinion is ignored or not taken seriously. It suggests that the person or people the message was intended for did not listen or pay attention.
'Fall on deaf ears'는 메시지나 의견이 무시되거나 심각하게 받아들여지지 않을 때를 묘사하기 위해 사용되는 표현이다. 그것은 메시지가 의도된 사람들이 듣거나 주의를 기울이지 않았음을 시사한다.
Section 2: Origin and Background
The phrase “fall on deaf ears” has been used since the early 1600s. It is derived from the phrase “fall on dead ears” which was used to describe when a message or opinion was not heard or taken seriously.
“fall on deaf ears”라는 문구는 1600년대 초부터 사용되어 왔다. 그것은 어떤 메시지나 의견이 들리지 않거나 진지하게 받아들여질 때를 묘사하기 위해 사용되었던 “fall on deaf ears”라는 문구에서 유래된 것으로 보인다.
Section 3: Dialogue Examples
Rachel: Hey, have you talked to Sarah about the party tonight?
John: Yeah, I did, but it seems like my words fell on deaf ears. She said she's busy with something else.
Tom: Dad, can I have some money to buy a new video game?
Dad: Tom, how many times do I have to tell you that we can't afford to spend money on games every week? My words seem to fall on deaf ears.
Emily: I'm worried about Jenny. She's been skipping class a lot lately.
Lisa: Yeah, I've tried talking to her about it, but my words seem to fall on deaf ears. She doesn't want to listen to anyone.
Jen: Hey Mike, have you talked to the principal about reducing homework?
Mike: Yeah, but my request fell on deaf ears. He said it's the school policy.
Jen: Oh, that's too bad. I guess we just have to deal with it then.
Tom: Hey Sarah, did you ask your parents if you can go to the party this weekend?
Sarah: Yeah, but my request fell on deaf ears. They said I need to focus on my studies.
Tom: That's too bad. Maybe you can try again next time.
Alex: Hey Jake, did you talk to your friend about returning your book?
Jake: Yeah, but my request fell on deaf ears. He said he lost it.
Alex: That's not fair. Maybe you can ask him to buy you a new one.
Section 4: Alternative Expressions & Examples
- Go unheard : The phrase "go unheard" means to not be listened to or not receive attention or consideration, despite attempting to communicate something.
- Be ignored : To be disregarded or not receive attention or acknowledgement from someone.
- Fall flat : To fail completely or be unsuccessful in achieving a desired outcome or goal.
- Meet a brick wall : The idiom "meet a brick wall" means to encounter an obstacle that cannot be overcome or a person who is unresponsive or uncooperative.
Sophia: Hey, have you talked to Mr. Johnson about the project?
John: Yeah, I did, but my suggestions seem to go unheard.
Sophia: That's too bad. Did he give any feedback?
John: Not really. He just nodded and said he'd think about it.
Liam: I don't know why I bother sharing my feelings with my parents. They always go unheard.
Emma: I'm sorry to hear that. Maybe you should try talking to a therapist or a friend.
Liam: Yeah, that's a good idea. At least they'll listen to me.
Mark: I can't believe we've been protesting for months, and our demands still go unheard.
Jasmine: I know, it's frustrating. But we can't give up. We have to keep fighting until our voices are heard.
Mark: You're right. We can't let them silence us.
Jenny: Hey, did you hear about the party at Brian's house this weekend?
Tom: No, I didn't. Did he invite you?
Jenny: Yeah, he did. But I'm not sure if I want to go.
Tom: Why not?
Jenny: I went to one of his parties last year, and I felt like I was just going to be ignored the whole time.
Emily: Have you seen the new girl in our class? She seems really nice.
Alex: No, I haven't. What's her name?
Emily: Sophie. I tried talking to her at lunch, but she seemed to be ignoring me.
Alex: Maybe she's just shy. You should try talking to her again.
Mark: I don't know what's wrong with my boss. He never responds to my emails.
Rachel: Have you tried talking to him in person?
Mark: Yeah, but he always seems to be in a rush and I feel like I'm being ignored.
Rachel: That's frustrating. Maybe you should schedule a meeting with him to discuss your concerns.
Jenny: Hey, did you hear about the new girl who tried out for cheerleading?
Sarah: Yeah, I heard she fell flat during her audition.
Jenny: Really? That's too bad. Do you think she'll still make the team?
Sarah: I'm not sure, but I heard the coach is looking for girls who can nail the routines.
John: Did you see the science experiment that Mark presented in class today?
David: Yeah, I saw it. I thought it was going to be impressive, but it fell flat.
John: What went wrong?
David: He didn't mix the chemicals properly, so the reaction didn't happen.
Emily: I'm nervous about giving my presentation tomorrow. I don't want to fall flat in front of the class.
Kate: Don't worry, I'm sure you'll do great. Just practice your speech a few times before you present.
Emily: Thanks for the encouragement. I'll definitely practice to make sure I don't mess up.
Jenny: Hey, did you ask Mr. Johnson about the project extension?
Sam: Yeah, I did. But I met a brick wall. He said no more extensions.
Jenny: Oh, that's a bummer. We really needed more time.
Mark: Hey, have you tried talking to the new girl, Sarah?
John: Yeah, I have. But I always meet a brick wall. She's really quiet and doesn't say much.
Mark: Hmm, maybe she's just shy. You should try talking to her more.
Lisa: Did you hear back from the college admissions office yet?
Tom: No, I haven't. I've been trying to call them, but I always meet a brick wall. They never answer the phone.
Lisa: Ugh, that's frustrating. Maybe you should try emailing them instead.
Section 5: The Lesson
The expression “fall on deaf ears” is a reminder that our words and opinions may not always be heard or taken seriously. It is important to remember that we cannot control how others respond to our words and opinions, and that we should not take it personally if our message is not received. We should also strive to listen to and take seriously the words and opinions of others, even if we do not agree with them.
“fall on deaf ears”라는 표현은 우리의 말과 의견이 항상 진지하게 듣거나 받아들여지지 않을 수도 있다는 것을 상기시켜준다. 우리는 다른 사람들이 우리의 말과 의견에 어떻게 반응하는지 통제할 수 없으며, 만약 우리의 메시지가 수신되지 않는다면 그것을 개인적으로 받아들여서는 안 된다는 것을 기억하는 것이 중요하다. 우리는 또한 다른 사람들의 말과 의견에 동의하지 않더라도 그들의 말과 의견을 경청하고 진지하게 받아들이도록 노력해야 한다.
2023.03.21 - [영어] - 미드에 나오는 영어표현 익히기 'Fish out of water'
미드에 나오는 영어표현 익히기 'Fish out of water'
미드에 나오는 영어표현 익히기 'Fish out of water' Fish out of water 낯선 상황[환경]에 처하다. Section 1: Definition 'Fish out of water' is an expression used to describe someone who is in an unfamiliar situation or environment and is