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미드에 나오는 영어표현 익히기 'Get off my back'

미드에 나오는 영어표현 익히기 'Get off my back'

미드에 나오는 영어표현 익히기 'Get off my back'


Get off my back

귀찮게 하지 마!


Get off my back


Section 1: Definition

This expression means that someone is telling another person to stop bothering or criticizing them.

이 표현은 누군가가 다른 사람에게 그들을 괴롭히거나 비난하지 말라고 말하고 있다는 것을 의미합니다.


Section 2: Origin and Background

The origin of this expression is not clear, but it is believed to have come from the idea of someone riding on another person's back, which can be seen as a burden or annoyance.

이 표현의 기원은 명확하지 않지만, 누군가가 다른 사람의 등에 올라탄다는 생각에서 비롯된 것으로 추정되는데, 이는 부담이나 짜증으로 볼 수 있습니다.


Section 3: Dialogue Examples

Linda: Why haven't you finished your homework yet, John? You're always procrastinating.
John: Get off my back, Linda. I'll finish it eventually.
Linda: I'm just trying to help you, John. You don't want to get a bad grade.
John: I know, I know. I'll get it done. Just give me some space.

Jack: Hey, have you found a job yet, Sarah?
Sarah: Not yet, Jack. It's been tough out there.
Jack: Well, you can't just sit around all day. You need to be more proactive.
Sarah: Get off my back, Jack. I'm trying my best.
Jack: I know, I know. I'm just trying to encourage you.
Sarah: I appreciate it, but sometimes it feels like you're pressuring me too much.

Alex: Why did you break up with Mark, Lisa? He seemed like a great guy.
Lisa: It just didn't feel right, Alex. We weren't compatible.
Alex: But you've been single for so long. Don't you want to settle down?
Lisa: Get off my back, Alex. It's not your business.
Alex: Okay, okay. I was just curious.
Lisa: I know, but sometimes it feels like you're judging me for being single.

Jenny: Hey, have you finished your homework yet?
Sarah: Not yet, I'm working on it.
Jenny: Well, you better hurry up. The deadline is tomorrow.
Sarah: I know, you don't have to get off my back about it.

John: Why didn't you come to the party last night?
Mike: I was tired and had to study for my exam.
John: You always have an excuse. You need to learn how to have fun.
Mike: Get off my back, John. It's my life.

Maggie: You've been playing video games all day. When are you going to start doing something productive?
Tom: I'm just taking a break. I'll do it later.
Maggie: You always say that. Get off my back and start doing something useful for once.


Section 4: Alternative Expressions & Examples

  • Stop nagging me : The phrase "stop nagging me" is an imperative sentence used to request that someone stop persistently and repeatedly reminding or asking someone to do something.
  • Leave me alone : The phrase "leave me alone" is an imperative statement used to express a desire or demand for someone to stop bothering, harassing, or interacting with the speaker.
  • Back off : "Back off" is a phrasal verb that means to move away or retreat from someone or something, usually in response to a perceived threat or confrontation.

Kim: Hey, did you finish that English assignment yet, Jack?
Jack: Not yet, I'm still working on it.
Kim: You better hurry up, it's due tomorrow!
Jack: Stop nagging me, Kim! I'll finish it.

Emily: Have you cleaned your room yet, Ben?
Ben: Not yet, I'll do it later.
Emily: You always say that, but you never do!
Ben: Stop nagging me, Emily! I'll get to it eventually.

Alex: Can you please turn down the music, Sarah? I'm trying to study.
Sarah: Just a few more minutes, Alex! This is my favorite song.
Alex: You've been playing music all day, can't you give it a rest?
Sarah: Stop nagging me, Alex! I'll turn it down in a bit.

Jenny: Hey Mike, what are you doing after school today?
Mike: I don't know yet, why?
Jenny: Well, a bunch of us are going to hang out at the mall. Do you want to come?
Mike: No thanks, I just want to go home and chill.
Jenny: Aw come on, it'll be fun!
Mike: Leave me alone, Jenny. I said no.

Alex: Hey Sarah, can I borrow your math notes from yesterday? I missed class and need to catch up.
Sarah: Sorry, I already lent them to someone else.
Alex: Come on, just for a minute. I promise I'll give them back.
Sarah: I said no, Alex. Leave me alone.
Alex: Fine, whatever.

Eric: Hey Tim, have you heard about the new video game that just came out?
Tim: Not really, I don't really care about video games.
Eric: What? How can you not care about video games? They're so much fun!
Tim: Leave me alone, Eric. I have other interests.

Emily: Hey Jack, what's up?
Jack: Not much, just hanging out.
Emily: Can I join you guys?
Jack: Sorry, but we're kind of in the middle of something.
Emily: Come on, just let me hang out with you.
Jack: Back off, Emily. We need some space right now.

Tom: I heard you talking about me behind my back.
Lisa: What? No, we weren't talking about you.
Tom: Don't lie to me. I know what I heard.
Lisa: Look, Tom, I swear we weren't talking about you.
Tom: Back off, Lisa. I don't want to hear any more of your lies.

Mike: Hey, that's my sandwich!
Ben: What? I didn't know it was yours.
Mike: Yeah, well it is. Give it back.
Ben: Fine, here you go.
Mike: Back off, Ben. Next time, ask before you take something that isn't yours.


Section 5: The Lesson

"Get off my back" is a common expression used to communicate frustration with someone who is constantly bothering or criticizing them. It is important to communicate one's boundaries and assert oneself when necessary, but it is also important to do so in a respectful and clear manner. Using expressions like "get off my back" can be effective in conveying one's message, but it is also important to consider the impact of one's words on the other person and to find a way to resolve conflicts in a constructive manner. Ultimately, clear communication and respect for oneself and others are key to maintaining healthy relationships.

"Get of my back"은 끊임없이 그들을 괴롭히거나 비난하는 누군가와 좌절감을 전달하기 위해 사용되는 일반적인 표현이다. 필요할 때 자신의 경계를 소통하고 자신을 주장하는 것도 중요하지만, 존중하고 명확한 자세로 임하는 것도 중요하다. "물러가"와 같은 표현을 사용하는 것은 자신의 메시지를 전달하는 데 효과적일 수 있지만, 자신의 말이 상대방에게 미치는 영향을 고려하고 건설적인 방식으로 갈등을 해결할 수 있는 방법을 찾는 것도 중요하다. 궁극적으로, 자신과 다른 사람들에 대한 명확한 의사소통과 존중은 건강한 관계를 유지하는 열쇠이다.

미드에 나오는 영어표현 익히기 'Keep your eyes peeled'


미드에 나오는 영어표현 익히기 'Keep your eyes peeled'

미드에 나오는 영어표현 익히기 'Keep your eyes peeled' Keep your eyes peeled 경계하다. Section 1: Definition 'Keep your eyes peeled' means to be alert and watchful for something or someone. It is often used to tell someone to be on the look
