미드에 나오는 영어표현 익히기 'In hot water'
In hot water
난처한[어려운] 상황에 처하다. / 곤경에 처하다.
Section 1: Definition
The phrase "in hot water" means to be in trouble or facing a difficult situation. It can refer to a person who has done something wrong or made a mistake that has caused problems for themselves or others. When someone is in hot water, they may feel worried, anxious, or stressed.
"in hot water"라는 말은 곤경에 처하거나 어려운 상황에 직면하는 것을 의미한다. 그것은 자신이나 다른 사람들에게 문제를 일으킨 어떤 잘못을 저질렀거나 실수를 한 사람을 지칭할 수 있다. 누군가가 뜨거운 물에 있을 때, 그들은 걱정, 불안, 또는 스트레스를 느낄 수 있다.
Section 2: Origin and Background
The origin of the phrase is unclear, but it may have come from the idea of boiling water, which can be dangerous and cause burns. The phrase has been in use for a long time, and it is often used in informal language.
이 문구의 기원은 불분명하지만, 위험하고 화상을 입을 수 있는 끓는 물에 대한 생각에서 나왔을 수도 있다. 이 문구는 오랫동안 사용되어 왔고, 종종 비공식적인 언어로 사용된다.
Section 3: Dialogue Examples
Sam: I heard that you got into a fight with your boss. Are you okay?
Max: No, I'm in hot water now. I might lose my job.
Emily: Did you forget to pay the rent again?
Tom: Yeah, and now we're in hot water with the landlord.
John: I can't believe you cheated on the test!
Sarah: I know, I'm really in hot water now. I could get expelled.
Lisa: Why are you so upset?
Jack: I got caught speeding and now I'm in hot water with the police.
Rachel: I heard that you got into a fight with your girlfriend.
Ben: Yeah, and now I'm in hot water with her. I don't know what to do.
Section 4: Alternative Expressions & Examples
- in trouble : This expression means that someone or something is facing a difficult or problematic situation.
- in a pickle : This expression means that someone is in a difficult or troublesome situation.
- up the creek : This expression means that someone is in a difficult or challenging situation.
- in a bind : This expression means that someone is in a difficult or challenging situation and needs help.
Emily: Hey, Jake, why do you look so worried?
Jake: I forgot to do my homework, and now I'm in trouble with my teacher.
Miguel: What's wrong, Samantha? You seem upset.
Samantha: I lost my phone, and my parents are going to be so mad. I'm in big trouble.
Lily: Hey, Tom, why are you pacing back and forth?
Tom: I accidentally broke my sister's favorite toy, and she's crying. I think I'm in trouble with my parents.
Samantha: Hey, what's wrong?
David: I accidentally deleted my essay, and it's due in an hour.
Samantha: Oh no, you're in a pickle! Can you rewrite it quickly?
David: I hope so, but it's going to be tough.
Jackson: Mom, can you give me a ride to school today?
Mom: I can't, I have to be at work early.
Jackson: But I missed the bus, and I don't want to be late!
Mom: Looks like you're in a pickle, kiddo. Maybe you can call a friend?
Emily: I can't believe I forgot my wallet at home.
John: Uh oh, you're in a pickle. How are you going to pay for lunch?
Emily: I don't know, I guess I'll have to ask the waiter to hold my order while I run home and get it.
Jenny: Hey, have you finished your math homework yet?
Mark: No, I haven't even started. I'm up the creek without a paddle on this one.
Jenny: Well, maybe I can help you out. Let's work on it together after school.
Tommy: Dude, did you hear about Mike? He got caught cheating on the test.
Billy: Wow, he's really up the creek now. That's gonna be a big problem.
Tommy: Yeah, I don't envy him at all. Cheating never pays off in the end.
Sophie: Mom, can I borrow your car tonight to go to the party?
Mom: Sorry, honey, I can't let you. I need it for work tomorrow.
Sophie: Aw, man. Now I'm up the creek without a paddle. How am I gonna get there?
Mom: You can always ask your friends if someone can give you a ride, or take the bus.
Sophie: Yeah, I guess you're right. Thanks, mom.
Samantha: Hey, Jake, what's up?
Jake: Not much, just trying to finish this math assignment before class.
Samantha: Oh no, did you need help?
Jake: Yeah, I'm kind of in a bind here.
Samantha: No problem, let's work on it together.
David: Hey, Mom, can you give me a ride to soccer practice?
Mom: I wish I could, but I have a meeting at work that I can't miss.
David: Oh man, I'm really in a bind now.
Mom: Don't worry, let me call your dad and see if he's available to take you.
Taylor: Hey, Mike, did you finish the project proposal for the client?
Mike: I was going to work on it last night, but my computer crashed and I lost everything.
Taylor: Yikes, are you going to be able to get it done on time?
Mike: I'm in a bind, but I'll try my best to pull it together before the deadline.
Section 5: The Lesson
The expression "in hot water" is a reminder to be careful with our actions and decisions, as they can have consequences. It's important to think about how our choices might affect ourselves and others. If we do find ourselves in a difficult situation, it's important to take responsibility for our actions and try to make things right. By learning from our mistakes and taking action to improve, we can become better people and avoid getting in hot water in the future.
"in hot water"라는 표현은 우리의 행동과 결정이 결과를 초래할 수 있기 때문에 조심하라는 것을 상기시켜주는 것이다. 우리의 선택이 우리 자신과 다른 사람들에게 어떤 영향을 미칠지 생각하는 것은 중요하다. 만약 우리가 어려운 상황에 처해 있다는 것을 알게 된다면, 우리의 행동에 책임을 지고 상황을 바로잡기 위해 노력하는 것이 중요하다. 우리의 실수로부터 배우고 개선하기 위해 행동을 취함으로써, 우리는 더 나은 사람이 될 수 있고 미래에 곤경에 빠지는 것을 피할 수 있다.
미드에 나오는 영어표현 익히기 'All ears'
All ears 경청하다. Section 1: Definition The expression "All ears" means that you are listening carefully to someone who is speaking to you. It indicates that you are interested in what they are saying and are giving them your full attention. "All ears