미드에 나오는 영어표현 익히기 'Leave no stone unturned'
Leave no stone unturned
모든 수단을 동원하다. / 모든 곳[방법]을 다 찾다.
Section 1: Definition
"Leave no stone unturned" means to do everything possible to find or achieve something. It implies that you have searched in every possible place and have done everything you can to achieve your goal.
"Leave no stone unturned"는 어떤 것을 찾거나 성취하기 위해 가능한 모든 것을 하는 것을 의미한다. 그것은 당신이 당신의 목표를 달성하기 위해 할 수 있는 모든 것을 하고 가능한 모든 곳을 검색했다는 것을 암시한다.
Section 2: Origin and Background
The origin of this phrase is not clear, but it is believed to have originated in ancient Greece. The idea behind the phrase is that you should search everywhere and not leave any stone unturned when you are trying to find something.
이 구절의 기원은 명확하지 않지만, 고대 그리스에서 기원한 것으로 여겨진다. 이 문구의 이면에 있는 생각은 여러분이 무언가를 찾으려 할 때 모든 곳을 뒤지고 어떤 돌 아래도 빼놓지 말아야 한다는 뜻이다.
Section 3: Dialogue Examples
Jake: I can't find my keys anywhere! I've looked in all the usual places.
Sarah: Did you check your coat pockets? You should leave no stone unturned when you're looking for something important.
Emily: I've been searching for a job for months, but I can't find anything!
Mike: Have you tried contacting any recruiters or staffing agencies? You have to leave no stone unturned if you want to find a job these days.
Lily: I've looked in every store for the perfect dress, but I can't find one I like.
Mia: Have you tried searching online? You should leave no stone unturned when it comes to finding the perfect dress.
Mark: I've been working on this project for weeks, but I still can't get it right.
Karen: Have you tried getting feedback from others or doing more research? You have to leave no stone unturned when it comes to a big project like this.
John: I can't seem to figure out why my car won't start.
Mary: Have you checked the battery and the spark plugs? You should leave no stone unturned when it comes to car problems.
Samantha: I lost my necklace. I can't find it anywhere.
Jack: Did you check under the couch?
Samantha: Yes, I did.
Jack: Okay, let's leave no stone unturned. We'll search the whole room until we find it.
Emily: I can't seem to solve this math problem.
Oliver: Did you try using the formula we learned in class?
Emily: Yes, I did, but it didn't work.
Oliver: Alright, let's leave no stone unturned. We'll try all the formulas we know until we figure it out.
David: I'm trying to plan the perfect date for Sarah, but I don't know what to do.
Michael: Have you asked her what she likes to do?
David: Yeah, but she said she's open to anything.
Michael: Alright, let's leave no stone unturned. We'll think of every possible date idea until we come up with something she'll love.
Section 4: Alternative Expressions & Examples
- Go the extra mile : 하단 더 보기 참조
- Leave nothing to chance : This expression means that everything should be carefully planned and controlled to ensure success or avoid failure.
- Pull out all the stops : This expression means that one should make a maximum effort to achieve something.
- Spare no effort : This expression means that no amount of effort should be spared or avoided in achieving a goal or completing a task.
- Search high and low : This expression means that one is searching everywhere, thoroughly and exhaustively.
Sarah: Are you ready for the big test tomorrow?
Alex: Definitely. I've been studying all week.
Sarah: Great. Just remember to leave nothing to chance.
Max: I'm nervous about our basketball game tonight.
Mia: Don't worry, we've been practicing a lot.
Max: But what if we lose?
Mia: We won't if we leave nothing to chance.
David: I'm planning a surprise party for my sister's birthday.
Emily: That's so nice of you. What's your plan?
David: I'm still figuring out the details.
Emily: Well, make sure to leave nothing to chance so it's a success.
Sarah: I heard you're planning a surprise party for your mom's birthday!
Alex: Yeah, it's going to be a big celebration. I'm going to pull out all the stops!
Sarah: Wow, she's going to love it. What do you have planned?
Jake: I'm really nervous about my basketball game tomorrow. We're playing the best team in the league!
Lily: You can do it! Just pull out all the stops and give it your all.
Jake: You're right. I'm not going to hold back!
Emily: I don't know if I can finish this project on time. There's just so much to do.
Max: You can do it! Just pull out all the stops and focus on getting it done.
Emily: Thanks for the motivation. I'll do my best to get it done.
Samantha: I'm really nervous about the big game tomorrow. What if I mess up?
Coach Smith: Don't worry, Samantha. Just remember to spare no effort out there on the field. Give it your all and you'll do great.
Michael: I'm having trouble with this math problem. I've been working on it for hours!
Ms. Brown: Well, Michael, just remember to spare no effort. Keep trying and don't give up until you find the solution.
Tom: I don't know if I can finish this project on time. There's just so much to do!
Manager Kim: I understand it's a big task, Tom, but spare no effort. Work hard and prioritize your time wisely. I believe in you!
Mom: Have you seen my keys, Billy? I can't find them.
Billy: No, I haven't. Did you search high and low?
Mom: Yes, I did. But they're not anywhere in the house.
Billy: Maybe you left them in the car?
Emily: I can't find my phone anywhere!
David: Don't worry, I'll help you search high and low until we find it.
Liam: I lost my favorite toy. Can you help me find it?
Sophie: Of course! We'll search high and low until we find it.
Nate: I've looked all over for my glasses and I still can't find them.
Olivia: Let's search high and low until we find them. They have to be somewhere!
Section 5: The Lesson
The lesson we can learn from "leave no stone unturned" is that we should never give up on our goals or dreams without trying everything we can to achieve them. It's important to be persistent and not give up until we have exhausted all of our options. By doing so, we increase our chances of success and we may even discover new paths or opportunities that we didn't know existed. In short, "leave no stone unturned" is a reminder to always put in the effort and never give up on what we want.
"leave no stone unturned"에서 우리가 배울 수 있는 교훈은 목표나 꿈을 이루기 위해 우리가 할 수 있는 모든 것을 시도하지 않고는 절대 포기해서는 안 된다는 것이다. 우리가 모든 선택지를 다 사용할 때까지 포기하지 않고 끈질기게 버티는 것이 중요하다. 그렇게 함으로써, 우리는 우리의 성공 가능성을 높이고 심지어 우리가 존재한다는 것을 몰랐던 새로운 길이나 기회를 발견할 수도 있다. 요컨대, "leave no stone unturned"는 우리가 원하는 것을 포기하지 않고 항상 노력해야 한다는 것을 상기시켜주는 것이다.
미드에 나오는 영어표현 익히기 'Go the extra mile'
미드에 나오는 영어표현 익히기 'Go the extra mile'
Go the extra mile (필요한 것보다) 더 많은 노력을 기울이다. Section 1: Definition "Go the extra mile" is an idiomatic expression that means to make an additional effort or do more than what is expected or required to achieve something. "Go t