미드에 나오는 영어표현 익히기 'Zero tolerance'
Zero Tolerance
무관용 원칙.
Section 1: Definition
'Zero tolerance' is a strict policy that doesn't allow any rule violations or mistakes, no matter how small they may be. It means that the consequences for breaking a rule or making a mistake are severe and immediate.
'Zero tolerance'는 아무리 작은 규칙이라도 규칙 위반이나 실수를 허용하지 않는 엄격한 정책이다. 그것은 규칙을 어기거나 실수를 했을 때의 결과가 심각하고 즉각적이라는 것을 의미한다.
Section 2: Origin and Background
'Zero tolerance' policies originated in the United States in the 1980s as a response to the "War on Drugs" and school violence. The policy was intended to create safe environments in schools and communities by enforcing strict rules and punishments for any infractions.
'Zero tolerance' 정책은 1980년대 미국에서 "마약과의 전쟁"과 학교 폭력에 대한 대응으로 시작되었다. 이 정책은 위반에 대한 엄격한 규칙과 처벌을 시행함으로써 학교와 지역 사회에 안전한 환경을 조성하기 위한 것이었다.
Section 3: Dialogue Examples
Sarah: Hey, have you heard about the school's new policy?
Jason: Nope, what's up?
Sarah: It's called 'Zero Tolerance'! It means no bullying, fighting, or any kind of harassment will be tolerated at all!
Jason: That's awesome! Finally, something is being done about all those jerks in school.
Sarah: Yeah, it's about time. I'm glad the school is taking it seriously.
Emma: Did you hear about what happened to Chris?
Alex: No, what happened?
Emma: He got suspended for bringing a knife to school.
Alex: What? That's crazy!
Emma: Yeah, the school has a 'Zero Tolerance' policy for weapons. They take it really seriously.
Alex: Well, they should! That's really dangerous. I'm glad they're keeping our school safe.
James: I can't believe I got detention again.
Samantha: What did you do this time?
James: I got caught cheating on the math test.
Samantha: Dude, you know the school has a 'Zero Tolerance' policy for cheating, right?
James: Yeah, I know. I was just desperate. But I won't do it again, that's for sure.
Samantha: Yeah, you better not. It's not worth getting in trouble over.
Ryan: Hey, dude, did you hear about the school's new policy?
Jake: No, what's up?
Ryan: They implemented zero tolerance for bullying!
Jake: Finally! It's about time. Bullies should be held accountable.
Ryan: Totally! Zero tolerance means no more bullying will be tolerated. It's a step in the right direction.
Samantha: Hey, Lisa, did you see the sign in the hallway?
Lisa: No, what sign?
Samantha: It says the school has zero tolerance for cheating.
Lisa: Oh wow, they're cracking down on cheaters?
Samantha: Yeah, they're serious about maintaining academic integrity. Zero tolerance means no cheating will be allowed, no exceptions.
Alex: Hey, Sarah, did you hear about the new rule in the cafeteria?
Sarah: No, what's the deal?
Alex: They have zero tolerance for food fights now.
Sarah: About time! Those food fights were getting out of hand.
Alex: Yeah, it's good that they're taking action. Zero tolerance means no more food fights will be tolerated. It's going to be a lot cleaner in the cafeteria now.
Section 4: Alternative Expressions & Examples
- no-tolerance policy : The dictionary definition of 'no-tolerance policy' is: a strict and unwavering policy that imposes severe consequences or punishment for any violation, infraction, or deviation from the established rules, regulations, or standards.
- strict enforcement : Strict enforcement refers to the rigorous and unwavering implementation or application of rules, regulations, laws, or policies, often with little or no tolerance for deviation or non-compliance.
- uncompromising discipline : The quality or state of maintaining strict adherence to rules, regulations, principles, or standards without yielding or making concessions.
Ava: Hey, did you hear that our school implemented a no-tolerance policy on cheating?
Ethan: Yeah, I heard about it. They said anyone caught cheating will get an automatic zero.
Ava: I know, right? It's so strict now. I can't believe some of our classmates still try to cheat.
Ethan: I agree. It's not worth risking getting caught and getting a zero. I'm definitely not taking any chances.
Lucas: Dude, I got detention again for being late to class.
Max: Seriously? That's the third time this month!
Lucas: I know, and our school has a no-tolerance policy for tardiness. It's so annoying.
Max: Yeah, they're cracking down on it. We better start being more punctual or we'll keep getting detention.
Lucas: I hear you, man. I don't want to get in trouble anymore. I'll set my alarm clock earlier from now on.
Sophia: I can't believe Sam got suspended for fighting.
Oliver: Yeah, our school has a no-tolerance policy for violence. It's pretty strict.
Sophia: I heard Sam threw the first punch, but still, getting suspended is a big deal.
Oliver: Totally. It doesn't matter who started it, fighting is not allowed. Our school is serious about maintaining a safe environment for everyone.
Alex: Hey, did you hear about the new rule in school?
Ella: No, what's up?
Alex: The principal announced strict enforcement of the dress code policy starting next week.
Ella: Seriously? That means we won't be able to wear our usual jeans and hoodies anymore?
Alex: Yep, looks like it. They said only uniforms or formal attire will be allowed.
Ella: Ugh, that's so unfair! I hate wearing uniforms!
Chris: Dude, I got caught by the security guard for sneaking out during lunch break.
Mike: Really? What happened?
Chris: Yeah, he said they're implementing strict enforcement of the no-leaving-campus policy, and I got detention for a week.
Mike: Dang, that sucks. I heard they were cracking down on students leaving without permission.
Chris: Yeah, they're not messing around anymore. Gotta be more careful next time.
Sophia: I got a detention slip for using my phone in class today.
Emma: No way! Since when did they start enforcing that rule so strictly?
Sophia: Yeah, the teacher said they're implementing strict enforcement of the no-phone policy in class from now on.
Emma: That's crazy! I've seen so many people on their phones during class before.
Sophia: I know, right? But I guess we'll have to be more discreet with our phones from now on.
Tom: Hey, have you noticed how strict Coach Johnson has been with us lately?
Sara: Yeah, he's all about uncompromising discipline now. He made us run extra laps for being late to practice yesterday.
Tom: Ugh, tell me about it. I couldn't catch up with the rest of the team.
Sara: Same here. We better make sure we're on time from now on, or Coach will have our heads!
Emma: I heard Mrs. Thompson gave you a detention for talking in class. What happened?
Ben: Yeah, she's really enforcing uncompromising discipline now. I got caught whispering to Jack during her lecture.
Emma: Yikes, that's rough. I better be careful too, I don't want to get detention like you.
Ben: Yeah, don't risk it. Mrs. Thompson means business!
Jake: Dude, why are you studying so hard for the math test? It's not until next week!
Alex: I know, but Mr. Wilson has been talking about uncompromising discipline in class. I don't want to risk failing again.
Jake: Fair enough. I guess I should study too, then. Can't let Mr. Wilson catch me off guard!
Alex: Yeah, better safe than sorry, man. Let's ace this test together!
Section 5: The lesson
The lesson we can learn from the concept of 'zero tolerance' is the importance of maintaining order and enforcing rules in order to create a safe and productive environment. However, it is also important to recognize that strict policies can sometimes lead to unintended consequences, such as unfairly punishing those who make minor mistakes or violations. Therefore, it is crucial to balance the need for discipline with fairness and empathy towards those who may make errors or misjudgments.
'zero tolerance' 개념에서 우리가 배울 수 있는 교훈은 안전하고 생산적인 환경을 만들기 위해 질서를 유지하고 규칙을 시행하는 것의 중요성이다. 하지만, 엄격한 정책은 때때로 사소한 실수나 위반을 하는 사람들을 부당하게 처벌하는 것과 같은 의도하지 않은 결과를 초래할 수 있다는 것을 인식하는 것도 중요하다. 따라서, 실수나 오판을 할 수 있는 사람들에 대한 공정성과 공감과 훈육의 필요성의 균형을 맞추는 것이 중요하다.
미드에 나오는 영어표현 익히기 'Give it a shot'
미드에 나오는 영어표현 익히기 'Give it a shot'
미드에 나오는 영어표현 익히기 'Give it a shot' Give it a shot 한번 시도해 봐! Section 1: Definition 'Give it a shot' is an expression used to encourage someone to try something new. It is an informal phrase that is often used to motivate