미드에 나오는 영어표현 익히기 'Out of the blue'
Out of the blue
뜬금 없는. / 갑자기.
Section 1: Definition
The expression "out of the blue" is used to describe something unexpected or surprising that happens without any warning or prior indication.
"out of the blue"는 표현은 어떠한 경고나 사전 지시 없이 발생하는 예상치 못한 일이나 놀라운 일을 묘사할 때 사용된다.
Section 2: Origin and Background
The origin of this expression is unclear, but it is believed to have come from the literal meaning of the phrase. "Out of the blue" can refer to something that comes suddenly and unexpectedly from a clear, blue sky, where there were no clouds or indications of the upcoming event. This phrase is now widely used in English to describe unexpected events, conversations or situations.
이 표현의 기원은 불분명하지만, 이 표현의 문자 그대로의 의미에서 나온 것으로 추정된다. "Out of the blue"는 구름도 없고 다가오는 사건의 징후도 없는 맑고 푸른 하늘에서 갑자기 그리고 예기치 않게 오는 것을 의미할 수 있다. 이 문구는 현재 예상치 못한 사건, 대화 또는 상황을 설명하기 위해 영어에서 널리 사용되고 있다.
Section 3: Dialogue Examples
Emma: "Did you hear that John and Mary got married yesterday?"
Peter: "What? That's out of the blue! I had no idea they were even dating."
Tom: "I'm sorry, I can't come to your party tonight."
Jack: "Why not?"
Tom: "My sister just called and said she's coming to town, out of the blue."
Jack: "Well, that's unexpected."
Lisa: "I had a great time at the concert last night."
Mark: "Me too, but did you see that guy who jumped on stage out of the blue?"
Lisa: "Yes, that was crazy!"
Sarah: "I'm going to quit my job and move to Hawaii."
Mike: "What? That's out of the blue! When did you decide that?"
Sarah: "I've been thinking about it for a while, but I just made up my mind today."
Emily: "I ran into my ex-boyfriend today."
Rachel: "Really? Out of the blue?"
Emily: "Yes, I haven't seen him in years."
Section 4: Alternative Expressions & Examples
- Came out of nowhere : The phrase "came out of nowhere" means to appear unexpectedly or suddenly without any prior indication or warning.
- Caught me off guard : To be surprised or unprepared for something unexpected or sudden.
- Took me by surprise : The phrase "took me by surprise" means that something unexpected happened, and the person was not prepared for it.
- Unforeseen circumstances : The definition of 'unforeseen circumstances' is events or situations that occur unexpectedly and were not predicted or anticipated.
Jenny: Hey, did you see that dog that just ran across the street?
Emily: Yeah! It came out of nowhere!
Jenny: I know, right? That was so weird.
Tom: Dude, I heard you got into a car accident yesterday. Are you okay?
Jake: Yeah, I'm fine. It wasn't too bad, but the other car came out of nowhere and hit me.
Tom: Wow, that's scary. I'm glad you're okay.
Sophie: Hey, did you see that new kid in class today?
Emma: Yeah, he came out of nowhere. I've never seen him before.
Sophie: Me neither. I wonder where he came from.
Jenny: Hey Alex, what happened to your hair? It looks different.
Alex: Oh, I got it cut yesterday. You caught me off guard!
Mark: Hey, have you seen the new movie yet?
Sophie: No, not yet. Why?
Mark: I don't want to spoil it for you, but there's a really unexpected plot twist that caught me off guard!
David: Hey Samantha, did you hear about the pop quiz in science class today?
Samantha: No, I didn't. How was it?
David: It was tough! Caught me off guard for sure.
Emma: Did you hear that Jake got engaged?
Sophie: What? That took me by surprise!
Tyler: Hey, have you started studying for the math test next week?
Mia: No, not yet. The test really took me by surprise. I didn't think it was coming up so soon.
Oliver: I heard you got a promotion at work, congrats!
Lila: Thanks! Yeah, it really took me by surprise. I didn't expect it at all.
Samantha: Hey, James! Are you still able to help me move this weekend?
James: I'm really sorry, Samantha, but I won't be able to make it. Some unforeseen circumstances came up and I have to leave town unexpectedly.
David: Mom, can we still go to the amusement park tomorrow?
Mom: Unfortunately, no. There were some unforeseen circumstances with the weather, so the park will be closed tomorrow.
Ms. Johnson: Good morning, class. As you know, we were supposed to have a quiz today, but due to unforeseen circumstances, we'll have to reschedule it for next week.
Section 5: The Lesson
The expression "out of the blue" teaches us to be prepared for unexpected events in life. It reminds us that even when things seem calm and predictable, unexpected situations can arise suddenly and without warning. We should always be ready to adapt to changing circumstances and remain flexible in our plans. It also teaches us to be open to new opportunities and experiences that may come our way, even if they seem unexpected at first.
"out of the blue" 표현은 우리에게 인생에서 예상치 못한 사건에 대비하라고 가르친다. 그것은 상황이 차분하고 예측 가능해 보일 때조차도 예기치 않은 상황이 갑자기 그리고 예고 없이 발생할 수 있다는 것을 우리에게 상기시킨다. 우리는 항상 변화하는 환경에 적응할 준비가 되어 있어야 하고 계획에 유연성을 유지해야 한다. 그것은 또한 우리에게 처음에는 예상치 못한 것처럼 보일지라도 우리에게 다가올 수 있는 새로운 기회와 경험에 대해 개방적이 되도록 가르친다.
미드에 나오는 영어표현 익히기 'Give someone the benefit of the doubt'
미드에 나오는 영어표현 익히기 'Give someone the benefit of the doubt'
Give someone the benefit of the doubt (속는 셈 치고) 믿어주다. Section 1: Definition "Give someone the benefit of the doubt" is an idiom that means to believe that someone is telling the truth, or to have a positive opinion about someone's intenti