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Take it with a grain of salt

미드에 나오는 영어표현 익히기 'From rags to riches' 미드에 나오는 영어표현 익히기 'From rags to riches' From rags to riches거지에서 갑부로.  Section 1: Definition"From rags to riches" means going from being very poor to becoming very wealthy."From rags to riches"는 매우 가난한 것에서 매우 부유해지는 것을 의미한다. Section 2: Origin and BackgroundThis expression became popular in the early 19th century in the United States, during a time when many people were immigrating to the country to.. 더보기
미드에 나오는 영어표현 익히기 'Backseat driver' 미드에 나오는 영어표현 익히기 'Backseat driver' Backseat driver잔소리꾼.  Section 1: DefinitionA 'backseat driver' is someone who offers unwanted advice and criticism while someone else is driving.'backseat driver'는 다른 사람이 운전하는 동안 원치 않는 충고와 비판을 하는 사람이다. Section 2: Origin and BackgroundThe term "backseat driver" originated in the early 1900s and was used to describe someone who offered unwanted advice and critici.. 더보기
미드에 나오는 영어표현 익히기 'Take it with a grain of salt' 미드에 나오는 영어표현 익히기 'Take it with a grain of salt' Take it with a grain of salt있는 그대로 받아들이지 않다.  Section 1: Definition"Take it with a grain of salt" means to be skeptical of what you're hearing or seeing, and not to completely trust or believe it without question."Take it with a grain of salt"는 말은 듣고 있거나 보고 있는 것에 대해 회의적이며, 의심의 여지없이 그것을 완전히 신뢰하거나 믿지 않는다는 뜻이다. Section 2: Origin and BackgroundThe phra.. 더보기