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미드에 나오는 영어표현 익히기 'Face the music'

미드에 나오는 영어표현 익히기 'Face the music'

미드에 나오는 영어표현 익히기 'Face the music'


Face the music

(자신의 행동에 대해) 벌을 받다. 비난을 받다.


Face the music


Section 1: Definition

When someone "faces the music", it means that they accept the consequences of their actions, especially if those consequences are unpleasant or embarrassing. It's often used when someone is being held accountable for something they did wrong.

누군가가 ""faces the music" 할 때, 그것은 그들이 그들의 행동의 결과, 특히 그 결과가 불쾌하거나 당황스러울 때, 그들이 받아들인다는 것을 의미합니다. 그것은 종종 누군가가 잘못한 것에 대해 책임을 질 때 사용됩니다.


Section 2: Origin and Background

The origin of this expression is unclear, but one theory suggests that it comes from the tradition of military drummers who would play music to announce a court-martial or punishment. The person being punished would have to "face the music" by standing in front of the drummer and accepting their fate.

이 표현의 기원은 분명하지 않지만, 한 이론은 그것이 군악대가 군법회의나 처벌을 발표하기 위해 음악을 연주하는 전통에서 유래했다고 합니다. 벌을 받는 사람은 드러머 앞에 서서 그들의 운명을 받아들임으로써 ""face the music" 해야 할 것입니다.


Section 3: Dialogue Examples

Ava: Hey, did you hear that Jake got caught cheating on his test?
Ryan: Yeah, I heard. What happened after that?
Ava: Well, the teacher called him out in front of the whole class and made him face the music.
Ryan: Ouch, that must've been embarrassing for him.

Emma: I can't believe I got a speeding ticket. What am I gonna do?
Mark: You'll have to face the music and pay the fine.
Emma: Ugh, I hate spending money on stuff like this.

Olivia: I forgot to finish my project and now it's due tomorrow.
Sophie: You should have started earlier, Olivia. Now you're gonna have to face the music.
Olivia: I know, I know. I'm gonna pull an all-nighter to get it done.

Mark: Hey, Jake! Did you finish your homework?
Jake: Uh, no. I didn't have time.
Mark: You better do it soon, man. The teacher is going to collect it tomorrow.
Jake: I know, I know. I'll do it tonight.
Mark: Good luck with that. You're going to have to face the music eventually.

Sarah: Hey, Lisa! I heard you got caught cheating on the test.
Lisa: Yeah, I did. I feel terrible about it.
Sarah: You should. Cheating is wrong.
Lisa: I know, I know. I'm going to have to face the music with the teacher.
Sarah: That's the right thing to do.

Tom: Hey, Mike! Did you hear that the basketball coach is making cuts this week?
Mike: Yeah, I did. I'm nervous.
Tom: Me too. But we have to show up and give it our best shot.
Mike: You're right. We can't avoid it forever. We have to face the music and see what happens.


Section 4: Alternative Expressions & Examples

  • Face the consequences : To accept the results of one's actions.
  • Own up to your mistakes : To take responsibility for something you did wrong.
  • Pay the piper : To accept the consequences of one's actions, often involving paying a price.

Tom: Hey, did you hear that Jack got caught cheating on his test?
Sam: No way, are you serious?
Tom: Yeah, the teacher found a cheat sheet in his bag.
Sam: That's not good. What's going to happen to him?
Tom: He's going to face the consequences. The teacher is going to fail him for the test.

Lisa: Hey, have you seen my mom's vase anywhere?
Sara: Yeah, I accidentally knocked it over and it broke.
Lisa: What? That was an expensive antique!
Sara: I know, and I'm sorry. But I'll face the consequences and pay for it to be fixed.

Mark: I'm thinking of skipping school tomorrow to go to the beach. Do you want to come?
Emily: No way, I don't want to get in trouble.
Mark: What's the worst that could happen?
Emily: We could get caught and face the consequences. I don't want to risk getting detention or suspension.

Emily: Hey, Jack, did you break my pencil?
Jack: Um, no, why would you say that?
Emily: Because it's broken and you were the only one near my desk.
Jack: Okay, fine, I did break it. I'm sorry.
Emily: That's all I wanted to hear. Just own up to your mistakes next time, okay?

Chris: Hey, Maria, did you eat my sandwich?
Maria: What? No, why would I do that?
Chris: Because it's gone and you were the only one in the break room.
Maria: Okay, okay, fine. I ate it. I'm sorry, I was really hungry.
Chris: It's okay, just own up to your mistakes next time, okay?

Liam: Hey, Sarah, did you copy my homework?
Sarah: What? No, why would I do that?
Liam: Because we have the exact same answers.
Sarah: Oh, yeah, I did copy it. I'm sorry, I was really struggling with that assignment.
Liam: It's okay, just own up to your mistakes next time, okay? It's not fair to me or the teacher if you cheat.

John: Hey, why are you looking so upset, Tom?
Tom: Ah, I have to pay the piper today. My parents found out I skipped school last week.
John: Ouch, that's rough. How much trouble are you in?
Tom: Well, I'm grounded for a week, and I have to do extra chores. I guess it's my own fault for skipping class.

Sarah: Hey, I heard you got a speeding ticket, Mike. That sucks.
Mike: Yeah, I was driving too fast on the highway. I guess I have to pay the piper now.
Sarah: How much was the fine?
Mike: It was $200. Plus, I have to take a defensive driving course to avoid getting any points on my license.

Emily: What happened to your arm, Alex? Did you get hurt?
Alex: Yeah, I hurt my arm playing football. Now I have to pay the piper by sitting out of the game this weekend.
Emily: That's too bad. Will you be okay for the next game?
Alex: Yeah, I should be fine. It's just a minor injury, but I don't want to make it worse by playing too soon.


Section 5: The Lesson

The lesson to learn from "face the music" is to take responsibility for your actions and accept the consequences, whether they are good or bad. It's important to acknowledge when you make mistakes and not try to avoid the consequences by making excuses or blaming others. By facing the music, you can learn from your mistakes and move forward with a clear conscience.

"face the music"에서 배워야 할 교훈은 여러분의 행동에 책임을 지고 그것이 좋든 나쁘든 결과를 받아들이는 것입니다. 실수를 했을 때 인정하고 변명하거나 다른 사람을 탓함으로써 결과를 피하려고 하지 않는 것이 중요합니다. 음악을 마주함으로써, 여러분은 여러분의 실수로부터 배울 수 있고 깨끗한 양심을 가지고 앞으로 나아갈 수 있습니다.

미드에 나오는 영어표현 익히기 'What goes around comes around'


미드에 나오는 영어표현 익히기 'What goes around comes around'

미드에 나오는 영어표현 익히기 'What goes around comes around' What goes around comes around 유행은 돌고 돈다. 뿌린대로 거둔다. Section 1: Definition "What goes around comes around" means that the things you do to others will even
