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미드에 나오는 영어표현 익히기 'Piece of cake'

미드에 나오는 영어표현 익히기 'Piece of cake'
미드에 나오는 영어표현 익히기 'Piece of cake'

미드에 나오는 영어표현 익히기 'Piece of cake'


Piece of cake

식은 죽 먹기지!


Piece of cake


Section 1: Definition

"Piece of cake" is an idiomatic expression that means something is very easy to do or accomplish.

"Piece of cake"는 무언가를 매우 쉽게 하거나 성취할 수 있다는 것을 의미하는 관용적인 표현이다.


Section 2: Origin and Background

The origin of this expression is not clear, but it is thought to have originated in the early 20th century. The phrase "piece of cake" may have been derived from the earlier phrase "a piece of one's cake" which referred to something that was easy to attain or acquire. Over time, "piece of cake" became a common expression used to describe anything that is easy or uncomplicated.

이 표현의 기원은 명확하지 않지만, 20세기 초에 시작된 것으로 생각된다. "piece of cake"라는 용어는 획득하거나 획득하기 쉬운 것을 언급했던 이전의 "a piece of one's cake"라는 단어에서 유래되었을 수 있다. 시간이 지남에 따라, piece of cake"는 쉽고 복잡하지 않은 모든 것을 묘사하는 데 사용되는 일반적인 표현이 되었다.


Section 3: Dialogue Examples

John: Did you finish your math homework?
Sarah: Yeah, it was a piece of cake.

Emily: How was your driving test?
Tom: I passed with flying colors. It was a piece of cake.

David: I heard you're planning a surprise party for your wife. Is it going well?
Mike: Yeah, everything's taken care of. It's going to be a piece of cake.


Section 4: Alternative Expressions & Examples

  • Easy as pie : This expression that means something is very easy or simple to do or understand.
  • A cakewalk : The expression "a cakewalk" means a task or activity that is very easy to accomplish or achieve.
  • Child's play : "Child's play" is an idiomatic expression that means something is very easy or effortless to do, similar to a game or activity that children would find simple to accomplish.

Emily: I don't understand algebra at all. It's so hard!
Jacob: Nah, it's easy as pie. Just remember to always do the same thing to both sides of the equation.

Sophie: How are we going to finish this project on time? We still have so much to do!
Mason: Relax, it's easy as pie. We can split up the tasks and each work on a different part.

Oliver: I'm nervous about the spelling test tomorrow. I always get mixed up with 'there' and 'their'.
Ava: Don't worry, it's easy as pie. Just remember that 'there' refers to a place and 'their' shows possession.

John: Hey, have you studied for the math test yet?
Emily: Yeah, it's a cakewalk for me. I'm not worried about it.

Samantha: Are you nervous about the dance competition tomorrow?
Max: Nah, it's going to be a cakewalk. I've been practicing for weeks.

Olivia: Do you think you can finish the project before the deadline?
Ben: Of course! Piece of cake, it's going to be a cakewalk.

Mark: I'm having trouble with this math problem. Can you help me?
David: Sure thing! It's easy. It's like child's play once you get the hang of it.

Emily: I can't believe you finished that puzzle so quickly!
Luke: It was child's play, really. I've done harder ones before.


Section 5: The Lesson

The lesson you can learn from the expression "piece of cake" is the importance of recognizing when something is easy and not overcomplicating it. Sometimes we tend to make things more difficult than they need to be, either by overthinking or overpreparing. Recognizing when something is a piece of cake allows us to conserve our energy and focus on more challenging tasks. However, it's important to be careful not to become complacent or overconfident, as this can lead to mistakes or oversights. It's always a good idea to approach tasks with a positive attitude and a willingness to learn, even when they seem easy. Ultimately, the key to success is finding the right balance between effort and ease.

"Piece of cake"이라는 표현에서 배울 수 있는 교훈은 어떤 것이 쉽다는 것을 인식하고 그것을 지나치게 복잡하게 만들지 않는 것의 중요성이다. 때때로 우리는 과도하게 생각하거나 과도하게 준비함으로써 필요 이상으로 일을 어렵게 만드는 경향이 있다. 무엇인가가 식은 죽 먹기일 때를 인식하는 것은 우리의 에너지를 절약하고 더 어려운 일에 집중할 수 있게 해 준다. 하지만, 이것은 실수나 감독으로 이어질 수 있기 때문에, 자만하거나 과신하지 않도록 조심하는 것이 중요하다. 일이 쉬워 보일 때도 긍정적인 태도와 학습 의지를 가지고 접근하는 것은 항상 좋은 생각이다. 궁극적으로, 성공의 열쇠는 노력과 용이성 사이에서 적절한 균형을 찾는 것이다.

미드에 나오는 영어표현 익히기 'Beat around the bush'


미드에 나오는 영어표현 익히기 'Beat around the bush'

Beat around the bush 변죽을 울리다. 요점을 피하다. Section 1: Definition "Beat around the bush" is an idiom that means to avoid addressing a topic directly and instead speak in a vague or roundabout manner. "beat around the bush"는 주제를
